Saturday 28 July 2012

Kate Beckinsale Workout Routine

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Kate Beckinsale, who turns 39 today! Known for fighting her way across the silver screen, staying in action-hero shape is no easy feat. Here's how the Brit bombshell keeps her body in fighting power.

She varies her workouts: Kate doesn't just stick to one routine. Kate's a longtime client of celeb yogini Mandy Ingber, and Mandy told us that she works with Kate several times a week whenever the actress is in LA, saying, "She is extremely dedicated to her practice and keeps it pure." Kate's also spent time with trainer Ramona Braganza, who worked with the actress on cardio, circuit training, and core-specific exercises. It also comes down to dedication: Kate takes her training for movie roles seriously, training five days a week, hours at a time.
She keeps it real: A solid fitness routine is tough work, something Kate knows all too well — she never even stepped foot into a gym until scoring a role in Pearl Harbor. While her action roles force her to do some serious training, she scales back when she's in between movies and told Elle UK, "I just can't make it part of my daily life. I go to the gym when I have to, and if I have to bulk up or slim down for a film, I will. I've recently got back into exercising four times a week. I run for half an hour at a time but never outdoors as I don't exercise in public. My gym's in my garage at home."
She keeps a (mostly) healthy diet: Whether she is on set, using the Sunfare at-home delivery service, or cooking for herself, Kate keeps it healthy. A typical day for her involves eggs or oatmeal for breakfast, a chicken or veggie wrap for lunch, and fish and veggies for dinner. But it's not all uber-healthy foods for Kate; she's said that she'll never turn down a cupcake, piece of birthday cake, or any other cake for that matter!

The 2003 action horror film, Underworld depicts Kate Beckinsale as Selene, a vampire who hunts the Lycans in the movie. The action piece was filmed on a 22 million dollar budget and earned over 95 million dollars internationally. Her role in the film required Beckinsale to wear tight fitting outfits, so the actress had to look as lean and toned as possible before filming. Kate turned to celebrity personal trainer, Ramona Braganza to whip her body into stunning shape. Braganza has been noted to work with celebrities like Jessica Alba, Halle Berry and Amanda Seyfried. Kate’s trainer threw a blend of training styles to lean and sculpt her physique.

Underworld Diet Workout Routine for Kate Beckinsale’s Role

Although the actress admits she’s not particularly a fan of exercising, Kate stepped up to the platebefore filming of the Underworld movie to get her body into awesome shape. Her personal trainer, Ramona Braganza put together his trademark workout program called the 321 training method. This program consists of three parts cardio exercises typically lasting 30 minutes or so, two parts circuit training, which is a high intensity minimal rest workout and one part core strengthening and stability exercises. Her trainer reported that she preferred single leg exercises and kicks rather than jumping or explosive moves to shape her leg muscles. In addition to this workout plan, Kate also performed yoga-training sessions to increase her flexibility and core strength. To sharpen the actress’ fighting skills she also took part in boxing and martial arts training routine. Kate and her trainer normally hit the gym around 3 or 5pm after her filming sessions. To date the actress keeps up a regular four day a week training program to maintain her amazing physique.
To help in Kate’s body fat reducing, lean muscle-building goals, her trainer put her on
a zone diet. Braganza reports, it’s all about consuming the right food selections at the optimum time. Beckinsale’s diet consisted of lean meats for protein, vegetables and complex carbohydrates to fuel her body during the long filming hours and training as well as heart healthy, monounsaturated fats. Her diet is quite common for most people and truly is the most effective eating plan to accomplish real muscle building and fat reducing success. Kate’s eating schedule called for frequent meals spread apart every two to three hours to allow her to sustain a fast metabolism. Although the actress followed the diet program carefully, she admits
Kate’s training regimen proves yet again that circuit training combined with cardio exercises is the most popular and most effective workout method for building lean muscle and burning body fat. What’s great about circuit training is that it doesn’t require a whole bunch of your time. With the limited rest periods in between exercises, your workout can be over in 30 minutes or less. If your seeking a body like Kate’s, it’s recommended you give circuit training a try.that if she feels the need to eat something that’s not so great she does. However, the actress makes up for it in her home gym.


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