Friday 6 July 2012

How To Stop Being “Skinny Fat” and Start Being “Skinny FIT”

, by Unknown

I was at the gym this morning and thinking back to when I first started trying to lose weight. I did EVERYTHING wrong.
I would eat a ridiculously low amount of calories per day and exercise way too much. Of course, I lost weight. But the side effects of my dangerous diet made it not worth it. And the worst part is, I didn’t even realise I was thin. I just wanted to lose more and more. Does this sound familiar?
I would sometimes have to curl up in a ball on the couch because of the pains in my stomach. I didn’t want to eat out at restaurants. I was constantly in a bad mood and always lethargic.
One of the worst things about starving yourself is becoming “Skinny Fat”. Sure, you’ll look good in clothes. But once you need to get into a bikini, it is obvious that you aren’t respecting your body.
Do YOU suffer from “Skinny Fat Syndrome”?
Skinny fat is a self induced syndrome where an individual is fairly close to their healthy weight, or even at their healthy weight, but they have little if any muscle definition. The sufferer generally doesn’t exercise regularly or is a habitual on and off again exerciser. The sufferer also generally doesn’t follow any type of healthy nutrition plan, rather they eat anything and everything they want. The skinny fat syndrome can and does lead to the sufferer becoming overweight and even obese if the condition is not dealt with. Also, even if the skinny fat sufferer never becomes overweight or obese they ARE at a high risk for obesity related diseases and illnesses.
How did I stop starving myself and start respecting my body?
By reading fitness magazines and seeing how the fitness models look WHILE having five – six small meals a day. It is possible to eat AND lose weight. I know it seems a little crazy. But if you eat the right things then you can do it!
OMG Melissa, I think I am skinny fat. What can I eat to lose weight and be HEALTHY?
Meal 1 (7 AM)
1/2 cup of dry oats mixed with water
1/2 cup of egg beaters
Meal 2 (9 AM)
Meal replacement or protein powder (around 20 grams of protein) mixed with water
1/2 Tablespoon of Flaxseed Oil
Meal 3 (12 Noon)
1/2 cup of brown rice, or medium sized baked potato, or 1 cup of oatmeal
2 cups of green beans, broccoli or any other desired vegetable
6 ounces of chicken, turkey, or lean fish
Meal 4 (3 PM)
Meal replacement or protein powder (around 20 grams of protein) mixed with water
Meal 5 (6 PM)
1/2 cup of brown rice, or medium sized baked potato, or 1 cup of oatmeal
2 cups of green beans, broccoli or any other desired vegetable
6 ounces of chicken, turkey, or lean fish
This diet will work. Or you can follow the Bikini Model Program (as I have done)
What does Skinny Fat Look like?
It isn’t pretty. I bet that in real life I would see this girl in a pair of tiny skinny jeans and be very envious. But on the beach, not so much.
What does Skinny FIT Look Like?
Here are some examples of skinny fit. Which would you prefer? I know what I’d pick!
What Exercises Can I do?
This is a BEGINNER workout program. A great place to start :)
Monday (chest and bis)
Dumbbell Bench Press 3×8-12
Incline Dumbbell Bench 3×8-12
Dumbbell Flyes 3×8-12
Incline Curls 2×10-15
Alternating Dumbbell Curls 2×10-15
Barbell Curls 2×10-15
Crunches 3 sets of max reps
NB: Don’t add any side Ab exercises in if you are aiming for an hourglass figure
Wednesday (legs and delts)
Squats 3×12-15
Leg Press 2×10-15
Leg Extension 2×8-12
Leg Curls 2×10-12
Standing Calf Raises 3×12-15
Dumbbell Press 3×8-12
Friday (back and tris)
Lat Pulldowns 3×8-10
T Bar Row 3×8-12
Bent Over One Arm Dumbbell Row 3×10-12
Pushdowns 2×8-12
Close Grip Bench Press 2×8-10
Lying Tricep Extensions 2×12-15
Leg raises 3x max reps
Are you serious? That is BEGINNERS? It sounds really hard!
It isn’t hard! I know all the different names are confusing. I suggest you look up the exercises on youtube before doing them. If not, you could ask somebody at the gym to help you (one of the personal trainers perhaps).
How Can I Get Motivated?
Start by looking at photos of bodies you admire. You could print them out and put them somewhere that you will see every day.
Motivational quotes can be very inspiring!
My personal favourite…”Be the best Melissa you can be!”. You’d obviously insert your own name where ‘Melissa’ is.
When should I start?
Right now! Stop being a “my diet starts tomorrow” person. Tomorrow never comes does it?
You need to lose weight for the right reasons. Do it for yourself! If you’re doing it to impress others or for your boyfriend, it isn’t going to work. If you decide to do it because you want to feel confident, pretty, strong and healthy. Then you are going to succeed!


Excuses are the nails used to build a house of failure.


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