Saturday 23 June 2012

Salman Khan Diet Plan

, by Unknown

A good career in Bollywood, a body like none other and delivering hit after hit, nothing more an actor could ask for. Right? That is Salman Khan for you. The original shirtless-wonder, Salman Khan took Bollywood actors towards fitness, “forcing” actors to beef up and look like Greek Gods on-screen (How much that succeeded, is entirely one’s own opinion). Known for a killer workout, he is known to do up-to 1000 crunches a day !! But all workout and no diet never makes muscles grow big. Lets see what his diet is.

Salman Khan is very conscious when it comes to his diet, avoiding sugar and processed foods as much as he can. His sources of protein are all natural sources like egg whites, chicken and fish, while pulses and salads take care of the carbohydrates requirement in his diet.
He attributes his physique to old-fashioned styles of going hard during workouts and backing it up with a healthy clean diet. With a healthy clean diet, he means natural foods like meat, fruits, vegetables and pulses. He tries his best to avoid unhealthy foods, saying that the last thing one needs to feed their body is processed and unhealthy food, especially when they are working out.
The following is the diet that Salman Khan is rumored to be following:
  • Salman Khan follows a protein rich, 2500-3000 calorie diet.
  • Before his workout, he takes a protein shake with 2 egg whites and amino acid tablets.
  • His post workout diet includes a bowl of oats, 3 egg-whites, 10 almonds and a protein shake along with glutamine.
  • Lunch is usually pulses, vegetables along with 4 chapattis.
  • Nuts and protein shakes form a part of his evening snack.
  • In dinner, Salman Khan consumes a veg soup, 200gm grilled fish/chicken, 2 egg whites and a protein shake.

In the end, Salman Khan attributes it to a clean living, healthy diet, staying away from junk and working out hard !!
And coming to think of working out hard


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