Tuesday 7 August 2012

Charisma Carpenter Diet Workout

, by Unknown

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Charisma Carpenter‘s diet and workout are pedestrian. And that is why Charisma Carpenter’s diet and workout are actually practical and easy to follow. Now, I am not saying Charisma Carpenter’s diet and workout are perfect, but the reason why I like her approach to dieting and exercise is because it is so, well, unpretentious, if you will.
Charisma Carpenter’s diet So, what does she eat? Let’s put it this way, she is not afraid to eat, which is not something you hear often in Hollywood. She says she loves food too much to be the “angry, hungry girl.” She is not just saying those things for show, during her recent birthday party, for example, she ate three pieces of cake and lobster with butter. Charisma Carpenter’s diet is certainly not free of junk food, but she does not eat cheeseburgers often.
Charisma Carpenter’s workout Speaking of eating junk food, instead of avoiding fast food joints, she simply exercises “twice as hard after.” Charisma Carpenter’s workout consists of cardio exercises, squats, lunges and circuit training. Oh, and she used to be a ballerina, so she is used to pretty intense workouts and knows what it takes to maintain a healthy weight range. 
What beauty product couldn’t you live without while pregnant?
The beauty product I loved while I was pregnant was Epicore Epidermal Growth Factor, Cream with the Serum, alternating the cream and serum with the EGF cream and Propolis Royal Jelly. The PRJ is not a cream at all though; it’s a texture I can’t explain. Daily use prevents fine lines due to its extreme hydrating effect. It’s okay to use it during pregnancy because it doesn’t have any acids in it or anything that leaves skin too thin. I still use it all the time, especially when I’m on shoots. I use it for fine lines.
What beauty products are you using now that you’re a mom?
This hasn’t changed from when I was pregnant. I put on EGF Serum and mix it with EGF Cream all over my face. The oils in the serum and moisturizers are high grade essential oils that penetrate the skin, not lay on top of it. Don’t freak out about its thickness, you won’t regret it, especially the ladies in cold climates. Typically I use this product at night and when I'm shooting. It hydrates my skin more than anything I've used my entire life. And Epicore Propolis/Royal Jelly just sounds like it’s royal. It’s from the rainforest. I used it for my dry skin during pregnancy and it also has healing properties for inflamed, reddish, irritated, or over worked skin. But don’t use it if you’re allergic to bees [propolis comes from bee hives]. When I have zits I spot-treat with those products.
Did you have any luck with any stretch-mark prevention creams during pregnancy?
I didn’t use the EGF cream on my belly or body, and I really regret it. I tried Udder Butter, and I nearly passed out because it was so funky smelling. I’m like rubbing this on my belly and thinking my husband will never go near me again; he’ll be sleeping in the other bedroom! I used almond oil from a French pharmacy. It was brought home to me from my girlfriend’s mother. She used it and it worked beautifully. You don’t have to go to France to find it though. Whole Foods probably carries it too. I just lubed and lubed. I didn’t use it on my boobs; I don’t know why I didn’t think of it. With the nursing and the tearing and the pulling, it was like a war zone on my boobs. They got totally destroyed and really purpley on the underside.
You really know about such great products. Maybe you could help me: My hair’s so greasy!
Have you tried Frederic Fekkai dry shampoo? I used it while filming this movie and it helped a lot whole filming in the forest where continuity was important. I couldn't have bouncy hair when I was too look like I needed a shower. But I didn't want to be dirty greasy either. So his product helped. It also helped absorb all the bug repellent that inevitably got in my hair! My hair gets accustomed to things, so I switch it up between that, Davines-Momo Love, and Biolage. But I swear by the Fekkai Clarifying Line. Not that I wash my hair every day — I do it like every two or three days or until I can’t stand it anymore.
I get sweaty hair because I work out 4 times a week, so it’s always in a bun. I try to avoid over washing my very chemically treated hair. I’m trying not to walk around in my gym clothes all day. I want to dress more like a grown-up and be a little more sophisticated, a little more together — or at least appear to be a little more together!
Well, I think you’re doing a great job! And you have such a great skin routine.
My face is my living, and I'm going to do whatever I can to take care of it. I did a lot of sun damage to it growing up in Vegas. I literally would put baby oil over my body and soak for an hour-and-a-half on each side. It was bloody stupid.
I actually don’t drink a lot of water. I’m like a camel. When I was pregnant, I drank quarts of water because I was so thirsty. When I was breastfeeding, I would drink one-and-a-half liters while on the rocking chair. I don’t do that to take care of my skin on a regular basis which is bad, bad, bad. Water is essential to good skin; you need to hydrate!


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