Friday 20 July 2012

Top 10 Most Fabulous Women of 2012

, by Unknown

The end of June will be the halfway mark of 2012. I've realized lately how many women likable and relatable women there are in the tabloids! There are so many fresh, nice girls out there and it's incredibly inspiring! I made my choices for my favorites not based solely on style, but by general LIFE fabulosity :) My hats off to the women who have it all, make it all look easy, and do it with a smile! I just can't get enough of them! With that, here are my Top 10 Most Fabulous Women of 2012!

1. Emma Stone

Who ISN'T in love with Emma Stone right now? From Superbad to The Help to Spiderman, she proves again and again that she is a) gorgeous b) verastile and c) sickeningly charming. Hop off screen and it's no different. Her Revlon ads are breathtaking and her sweet, silly personality is a breath of fresh air. MTV recently awarded her with the Trailblazers Award and I couldn't find that more appropriate. I hope she blazes a trail that many more starlets to come will follow! 

And of course, she has style to spare and isn't afraid to change it up- from redhead to blonde to brunette, you couldn't make this girl look bad if you tried! Oh, and PS: She's dating my number one male of 2012- ANDREW GARFIELD (yum).

2. Kate Middleton


How can you not love the Duchess? Stunning, classic, CLASSY, philanthropic, oh, and you know, royal. Not only does she wear Princess Diana's ring, she wears her demeanor. It's so incredible to watch her become an icon. Tall, sweet, and statuesque, she's the perfect twenty-first century princess, making us wish we had somewhere to wear a fabulous garden hat! Not to mention, the turquoise dress pictured above is by far my favorite dress worn out this year (props to Jenny Packham, one of the Duchess's favorite British designers for creating the masterpiece).

3. Lake Bell

This girl is too hilarious to be so beautiful. I love her in all of her outlandish roles (my three stand outs are No Strings Attached, What Happens in Vegas, and It's Complicated). One of my favorite movie quotes of all time is from the end of W.H.I.V.- "YOU KNOW WHY!" 

Off screen she is engaged to super cool [tattoo]artist Scott Campbell who she met on the set of How To Make It In America and is in pre-production for her film In a World, which she wrote and plans to star in and direct. The girl does it all while maintaing an easy-going, "cool girl," vibe and staying out of the tabloid spotlight. Love.

4. Carey Mulligan

This Indie darling has had me since her appearance in my all-time favorite movie, Pride and Prejudice, playing a sister to Keira Knightley's heroine. Since then she's become a leading lady in her own right, starring in films such as An Education (for which she earned her Oscar Nominee title), Never Let Me Go, and the ever-scandalous Shame. Next up? Christmas's biggest title- The Great Gastby. Eat your heart out, Mia Farrow, because Carey is the hands-down queen of the pixie cut! This quirky little Brit, I'm happy to say, doesn't seem to be going anywhere!

5. Jennifer Lawrence

If you've ever seen an interview with this girl, you know that it is physically impossible not to LOVE her. She is so genuine and uninhibited, not to mention down right hysterical! Along with that, she's got chops. She was nominated for an Oscar in 2011 for her performance in Winter's Bone and then beat out some of Hollywood's hottest to became the star of the smash hit trilogy The Hunger Games, for which she learned archery from an Olympian! 

She always looks flawless, chic, and simple. She's never overstyled and definitely follows Coco Chanel's rule of taking something off before you leave the house. And why wouldn't she? Her long hair with its oh-so natural wave and her perfect skin are the best accessories a girl could ask for! Bonus? This girl has curves and works them!

6. Mila Kunis

Remember the first time you saw her in Forgetting Sarah Marshall? She looked up from something at the hotel reception desk and everyone in the theatre gasped. When did the really annoying girl from That 70's Show turn into the girl everyone's boyfriends drool over (or in the case of Black Swan, girlfriends)? I know I certainly plea no contest to her. She's really, really ridiculously good-looking and what's worse- she's a guy's girl. 

Effortless and fun, she's the perfect mix of sexy and tough. And to boot, she voices Meg on Family Guy, the ultimate guy comedy show! Now if only she'd stop being so likeable, I'd actually be able to hate her!

7. Julianne Hough

Is she a dancer? An actress? A singer? A fitness guru? The girlfriend of the top media personality in Hollywood? Oh! She's all of the above? AND she's unbelievably gorgeous? Great. Thanks for making the rest of us feel inadequate, Julianne! 

Brought up Mormon, Julianne still holds to strict morals and while she's one of the fastest rising stars in Tinsel Town, her biggest rise seems to be over Hollywood B.S. She always manages to seem as if she really is just the (way too pretty) girl next door- gracious, smiling, and fun!

8. Christina Hendricks

Carey's Drive co-star, Christina Hendrick's might just be the twenty-first century's response to Marilyn Monroe... BUT CURVIER! I'm absolutely enraptures over her and her no-apologies approach to femininity. Not only does she show off her curves, she always looks sooo glamourous, sooo Hollywood! 

A natural blonde, Hendricks started coloring her hair red at age ten (a diva after my own heart) and has been rocking her stand-out red locks ever since. When I look at her, I think, no one looks like that! She is SO herself! When I'm 37, I hope I've really come into my own like that! Hands down, I think she is the sexiest woman of this century and is set to be a major cultural icon for full-figured women! 

Oh and PS: She's from Tennessee :) 

And PPS: She absolutely murders her portrayal of Joan Harris on AMC's Mad Men.

9. Emilia Clarke

If you haven't been watching HBO's Game of Thrones for the passed two years, I really can't even begin to tell you how much you're missing out. Emilia Clarke stars as a fallen monarch, trying to win back her country with the help of a few dragons she just so happens to have brought to life. Always looking incredible with her platinum mane and tribal garb, you can't help but root for the girl with the doe eyes and the big smile! 

In the real world, the natural brunette is adorable, humble, and enthusiastic about her sudden stardom, wincing at the thought of her brother and father seeing her on-screen-love-making.

10. Carrie Underwood

Nashville's princess is the epitome of the Southern women. She's sweetly feisty, stylishly girly, happily married, perfectly mannered and infinitely blonde :) Currently hanging out on The Billboards at number 21 with "Good Girl," she continually proves herself to be more than a media-darling. A class act, you'd be hard pressed to find a picture of this girl stumbling out of a bar, shoes in hand instead of on foot. She's an American Idol in so many ways!


Well, there you have it! My favorite ladies in the spotlight! Sometimes it's nice to be reminded that amidst all the 72 day marriages and prison-sentenced teen moms, there ARE great role models out there for the incoming generations! And these are just a few!

Have a superb weekend!

And as alway-

Duel mediocrity. Be fabulous!


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