Friday 13 July 2012

Hugh Jackman Workout – Unleash The Wolverine!

, by Unknown

While the latest installment of X-men – X-men First Class – takes the viewer  back to the birth of the X-men team, we do get a glance of the ever un-aged Wolverine played by Hugh Jackman.  While he is fully clothed for this cameo, we can all too easily remember his ripped appearance in his role in X-men Origins as Wolverine and the Hugh Jackman  workout routine that he had to endure in order to get there.
While Hugh is not a professional athlete, the Hugh Jackman workout routine required more discipline than some professional athletes must put into their workouts. in order to gain the muscle needed to fill the role, Jackman focused on gaining massive muscle at a slower rate, to ensure that he would not gain fat during the workout as well.
While never being a professional athlete, or even an amateur one, Jackman says that his inspiration for fitness comes from his roles.  His whole persona is based off the role that he is going to be playing and therefore, his professionalism as an actor helps set him apart.  Unlike the Chris Evan’s workout or the Chris Hemsworth Workouts, Jackman did not need to force as much muscle as the prior two actors.

What the Hugh Jackman Workout Was Like

hugh-jackman-workoutThe Hugh Jackman workout for the role of Wolverine consisted of 3 week “change-up” routines.  Jackman told Men’s Health Magazine that, ” I’d change it up every 3 weeks… Three weeks heavy with lots of rest between sets. Then change to lighter weight, slower reps, four count up, four count down. Then mix in fast, explosive lifting, always changing the workout.”
Hugh said that one of the key points of the workout was in the mindset.  After getting to a total of 315 pounds of bench-press weight and 1000 lbs. of leg press weight, Jackman said, ” When I have 315 pounds above me, there’s that little breaking point,” he says. “You either get really pissed off at that weight, or you ask for help from your spotter. It’s that exact point — and every guy reading this article will recognize it — when Wolverine gets not just pissed off, but insanely pissed off. I try to reach that point every day in my workout. And then push through it.” to Men’s Health.
The training for the film took approximately 1-2 hours per day, 5 days a week and almost 5 months.  The Hugh Jackman workout trainers focused Jackman on two phases for the overall workout:
  1. Getting Muscle
  2. Gaining Strength
While the two phases appear to be the same process, the workout routine was broken down into two components.  The first phase would be all about building muscle mass through altering the speed of the lift, 3 seconds on the lift, 1 second on the return.  By increasing the tension during the lift through the tempo changes, Jackman was able to force his muscles to adapt  helping him add 15 pounds of muscle during that phase.
The second phase was all about maximum lift and less focus on the time it took to do so. By focusing on the maximum weight, Jackman was able to increase his overall strength as opposed to just muscle mass.
Each phase lasted 6 – 12 weeks depending on the results and was then repeated.  During the last week of each phase, Jackman would max lift only one day that week and focus the rest of the workouts on yoga, Pilates, running and stretching in order to be sure to work off any extra weight gained and keep looking lean.

Getting Started With the Hugh Jackman Workout

Whenever a person even begins to consider working out, they must take into consideration their current level of fitness.  It is always recommended that you confer with your doctor before beginning any workout, especially one as difficult as the Hugh Jackman workout.  With that said, if you are still committed and ready to undergo the Hugh Jackman workout, the following steps will be key to your success:
  • First make the decision to be fully dedicated.  As Jackman himself says, it’s all in the mind.  You must first prepare your mind and get into the process there before you begin to lift your first wait.  Otherwise you won’t stay with this workout or any other if you don’t first determine to be fully dedicated, no matter the cost.
  • Secondly you must remember that it’s not just about the gym routine, but a  superhero diet as well.  Jackman would start his day off at 4am with egg whites and then would consistently eat every three hours.  His meals would almost always consist of lean protein and veggies as well as brown rice before noon.  In order to add that much extra muscle mass, Jackman had to eat nearly 1000 extra calories per day of protein.
  • Thirdly, it’s important to remain realistic with result expectations.  It took Jackman nearly 5 months to complete the Wolverine workout routine and add his muscle mass and drop every extra drop of fat on his body.  This included 1-2 hour workouts 5 days a week. Don’t let immediate results get you down.   To obtain the desired physique is going to take time and serious motivation

While the two phases appear to be the same process, the workout routine was broken down into two components.  The first phase would be all about building muscle mass through altering the speed of the lift, 3 seconds on the lift, 1 second on the return.  By increasing the tension during the lift through the tempo changes, Jackman was able to force his muscles to adapt  helping him add 15 pounds of muscle during that phase.
The second phase was all about maximum lift and less focus on the time it took to do so. By focusing on the maximum weight, Jackman was able to increase his overall strength as opposed to just muscle mass.
Each phase lasted 6 – 12 weeks depending on the results and was then repeated.  During the last week of each phase, Jackman would max lift only one day that week and focus the rest of the workouts on yoga, Pilates, running and stretching in order to be sure to work off any extra weight gained and keep looking lean.
Hugh Jackman Workout
Hugh Jackman Workout regime
Hugh Jackman Workout and diet
Hugh Jackman Workout routine


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