Friday 20 July 2012

How to Maintain a Healthy Diet at School

, by Unknown

1. First and foremost, follow a healthy regimen every day. Every now and then you can splurge on a treat, but don’t graze over the sweets regularly.
diet tips for teens
2. Eat breakfast. Breakfast is an essential meal at the beginning of the day to stoke your energy and get you motivated. Good suggestions include:
One egg on a slice of whole wheat toast
A piece of fruit if needed and a drink of water
Freshly squeezed juice or a herbal tea.
3. Eat a healthy morning snack at school. Nutritious items include an apple and a bottle of water, or some cut up vegetables such as carrots, baby tomatoes, and celery sticks with low-fat peanut butter.
4. Keep lunch simple and filling so that it keeps well until lunchtime in your schoolbag. Sandwiches are a good choice, with a salad filling, as well as some snack pieces of vegetables, fruit, raisins, etc. For dessert, you can pack a granola bar, trail mix, etc.
It's all fun and games while you're eating the junk food but if it's a common occurrence you will pay for it later. The calories DO still count even if your friends are eating them too.

5. If you’d like an afternoon snack, keep it simple. Have a bottle of water or juice, a light salad with fat-free crackers, etc.
6. Ask your parents to prepare light and healthy dinners to help your regimen. There should be at least three servings of vegetables, grains and beans, perhaps rice with chicken or tuna. A raw salad accompanying every evening meal is a good idea. Drink water with some lemon juice squeezed into it.


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