Tuesday 10 July 2012

How To Drink While Dieting: Skinny Cocktail Recipes!

, by Unknown

The calorie content of alcoholic drinks is one of the main reasons that I rarely drink on the weekend. I’ve posted about this before and loved hearing about your favourite low calorie alcoholic beverages!
It can be a little boring and repetitive sticking to only one drink while out..thankfully I have recently discovered the ultimate guide to low calorie drinking! If you have a party coming up (hen’s night, birthday, engagement) then you NEED this guide if you plan to stick to your healthy lifestyles.
The author Michael has been kind enough to give us 25 low calorie cocktail recipes from his ebook ‘How to drink while dieting’.  It’s 100% free and you can download it right now :)

Some of the recipes contain 70% fewer calories than the original! Here’s my favourite example:
Hump Day Hurdle Cocktail Recipe
Calories:  123  per  cocktail  - Compared  to  416  calories  in  Hurricane  Glass
  • 1.5  oz.  vodka
  •  0.5  oz.  Midori ?
  • Twist  of  lime ?
  • 1.5  oz.  club  soda
  • Ice
Cocktail  Equipment:
  • Highball  Glass
1.   Fill  Highball  Glass  with  ice  cubes.
2.   Pour  ingredients  over  ice  and  stir.
3.   Garnish  with  twist  of  lime.
Recipe  makes  1  serving.

That’s just one example out of the many amazing recipes in the book. My favourite thing about the book is that when a sugar substitute is required, Stevia is the sugar-free sweetener included in the recipes. I can’t stand it when I find low calorie recipes that are full of aspartame! I know there are a lot of stevia fans out there..this book is for you!
I bet you’re convinced, who wants a copy??


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