Tuesday 10 July 2012

Extreme Celebrity Diets!

, by Unknown

Here’s an article from CelebrityFix about celebrities and the extreme diets theyve tried. I know some of the information isn’t accurate or up to date but just thought I’d repost. Also, whoever wrote it is kind of mean
Fancy being a superstar? Not if you appreciate eating three square meals a day, you don’t.
Many stars would like us to believe they “eat like a horse” and just have a “naturally fast metabolism”. Truth is, most of them haven’t had a decent bite to eat in decades.
With teeny tiny Miranda Kerr recently raving about the benefits of coconut oil, and popsicle mum Victoria Beckham starving off the baby weight as we speak, we thought we’d take a look back at some of the craziest diets ever undertaken by Hollywood’s hungry waifs.
So… Who’s eating cookies to shed the kilos? Who lets the colours of the rainbow dictate her diet? And who has her face analysed by an expert to determine her nutritional needs?
eckham -The Five Hands Diet
To shed her Harper Seven baby weight, Vic reportedly only ate five handfuls of food a day, snacking on as little salmon, tuna and scrambled eggs as she needs to, you know, stay alive.
The Eat Like A Bird Diet
Before the baby, Mrs Beckham apparently lived on a strict diet of soya beans, strawberries and lettuce. Because that diet wasn’t weird/crazy enough, she also drank two pints of algae and a seaweed shrong>The Baby Food Diet – Jennifer Aniston
Well, this is one way to control your calorie in-take. Baby food is tasty and packed with enough nutrients… for babies. To quote Jen’s Horrible Bosses co-star, “That’s not a proper meal!”
According to reports, Reese is another fan of toddler-sized portions.
The Cookie Diet – Snooki
Booze-hound Snooki credits her stunning (!!) figure to a diet of six 90-calorie cookies and a small meal each day.
The Spinach Leaf Diet – Amanda Seyfried
Amanda’s going to extremes to stay thin… only eating raw foods (mostly spinach and some seeds).
The Coconut Oil Diet – Miranda Kerr
Miranda has four teaspoons (not tablespoons, as was first reported) of coconut oil per day, drizzled over salads and with meals.
The Grapefruit Oil Diet – Jennifer Lopez
Another fan of oils, Jenny from the Block reportedly carries around a vial of grapefruit oil. The aroma is said to affect her liver enzymes, causing fats to be broken down and burnt off. By “is said to”, we mean, “there is no scientific evidence to support this
The Raw Food Diet – Uma Thurman
Raw food contains enzymes that boost energy. These enzymes are destroyed during cooking… so Uma reportedly eats everything raw. Even her meats.
The Facial Analysis Diet – Kate Winslet
Apparently, Kate has a professional analyse the lines, tone and texture of her face, determine her dietary needs and prescribe one of 9 eating plans. Um…
Kim Cattrall – The Fish Facelift Diet
Eat salmon three times a day, and you’ll look like you’ve had a facelift! (But that’s probably because you’ve had a facelift).
Beyonce – The Master Cleanse Diet
Beyonce wanted an Oscar really, really bad. In preparation for Dreamgirls, she drank lemon/lime juice mixed with maple syrup, water and Cayenne pepper and consumed no solids for ten days. And Jennifer Hudson got the Oscar.
Demi Moore -The Master Cleanse Diet.
Beyonce isn’t the only celeb who’s dabbled in the lemonade diet. Demi and husband Ashton Kutcher recently tried the cleanse, tweeting regular updates. A couple that cleanses together, stays (skinny) together.
Kate Beckinsale -The Sundowner Diet
Kate’s Underworld character may be nocturnal, but her appetite is not. She doesn’t eat carbs after the sun goes down.
Kylie Minogue – The Grapefruit Diet
To keep her petite figure, Kylie reportedly consumes half a grapefruit before all meals (it’s said to help speed up the body’s fat-burning ability).
Gwyneth Paltrow – The Macrobiotic Diet
They say Gwyneth only eats 100% natural foods, so nothing processed, and no meat, fish, eggs or dairy. Um… so what does she eat?
The Colour Diet – Christina Aguilera
Every day has its colour — white, red, green, orange, purple, yellow or rainbow — and Christina only eats that colour food on that day. Judging by her radical transformation, we don’t think Miss Aguilera’s combined this diet with portion control.


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