Wednesday 27 June 2012

Kellan Lutz Workout and Diet

, by Unknown

Kellan Lutz is an actor, model and fitness enthusiast who is probably just as well known nowadays as Emmett Cullen, who he portrays in the Twilight series. Lutz actually wasn’t too well known before the Twilight series and had only appeared in a few tv series and film roles , but since being in Twilight he has appeared in the movie Immortals, and will be continuing his role as Emmett Cullen in the remaining Twilight films.
Being a model Kellan Lutz must pay strict attention to his body because how he looks will directly effect his success, but he has a great build for many movie roles as well. It’s probably due to his body that he was even cast for Emmett Cullen to begin with and how he was chosen to play the Greek God Poseidon in Immortals.
Considering he is a model, you may wonder if he was just blessed with genetics or does he really work hard to maintain such a muscled physique?
Well, being about 6ft 1 inch tall he does have a long body and it’s clear to see even at a young age he had very good genetics for leanness and ab definition ( probably the reason he started modeling!)
He also has really good pectoral muscles, and a broad upper body compared to his waist. This all is exactly what you want as a foundation to building the look everyone wants, so from a foundation point of view Kellan Lutz has a starting advantage to most of us out there.
However, he is a lot skinnier than he is now and by the looks of it he had to put on quite a bit of muscle, especially in his arms which are pretty huge nowadays.

How did Kellan Lutz get the muscle and body he has today?
“I would suggest finding some sort of cardio that you enjoy. I hate running so for me it’s swimming. Stay as active as possible and don’t just sit in front of the television; do push ups or sit ups during the commercials. Even a little hard work goes a long way.”
Kellan Lutz actually gets bored very easily, and he doesn’t actually enjoy going to the gym at all. Since he has no choice but to do it to stay in this kind of shape he tries to make everything a game to keep it entertaining.
“I don’t really like the gym. I like to fool my body, … I run around the beach and then there’s scaffolding so I can just do different pull-ups there.”
One of the ways he was able to keep entertained and fit was sports, he was always an active person and at one point in his life considered becoming a Navy Seal. ( probably why he loves, yet hates to run)
Even though Kellan Lutz was active his body wasn’t in nearly the shape you see today because early on he had no routine, he would just do a mish mash of whatever physical activities he could do. However, when he began filming the HBO series Generation Kill in 2007 he was stuck in the African Desert for around 7 months with little to do.
( Generation kill is a TV mini series about a reporter covering the 2003 invasion of Iraq following the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion of the United States Marine Corps, Lutz played Cpl Jason Lilley)
Instead of sit around and do nothing Lutz challenged fellow cast members to pushup, pullup, and various weight lifting contests in their own makeshift gym. This not only helped Lutz learn a lot more about physical fitness, but motivated him to get his physique to where it is today.
Nowadays Kellan Lutz is very serious about his fitness and he knows a lot moreLutza begins every single workout with cardio for around 5 minutes, followed by core work such as crunches, situps, or planks. He believes that activating your core will actually help your entire body get ready for your workout. He then likes to do a few sets of full body exercises like squats, or bench presses, before doing a few isolation exercises like bicep curls.Lutz is not big on following a specific routine at all and likes to mix things up as much as possible. He also speaks about working out your entire body and not just your arms chest and shoulders  “You can’t just build a huge chest and arms. You need to work out your body evenly,” he says. “Otherwise, A, you’ll look weird, and B, it’s not the best for your body.”


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