Saturday 23 June 2012

Chris Evans Workout Routine

, by Unknown

A very nice job you've done here with Chris Evans' Workout Routine for Captain America, Simon Waterson. Kudos! Couldn't've done it better. I just recently watched the movie Captain America: The First Avengerand I must say, Chris Evans looks quite impressive. You can undoubtably say, the Chris Evans Workoutworked out once more.
I mean, I like this guy already since Fantastic Four where he plays this good looking and young, smart ass renegade Johnny Storm. His body catched my attention already back then. But now, with his 'Captain America Training and Workout Routine' he really did follow one tough fitness training program.
Why I know he worked hard to get those bulky muscles is, because he trained with Simon Waterson. Simon is a former Marine and now personal trainer and weight loss coach, just like me. In case you've wondered where Daniel Craig got his guns and six pack abs as James Bond in Casino Royaland Quantum of Solacefrom, the answer is Simon Waterson.

Chris Evans Workout Routine

Chris Evans workout is built around consistency and dedication. As Evans attests, it's not really the exercises he does that matter, but the fact that he works out on a regular basis. Evans has put this theorem into practice as he has been exercising since high school. Generally speaking, Evans doesn't enjoy running on the treadmill or dieting. He would much rather just lift weights and play sports like basketball, tennis, and football.

While he's preparing for a movie, Evans has a limited amount of time and space to perform workouts. Instead he simply does bodyweight exercises for strength like pushups, pull-ups, and situps. He is able to maintain his athletic build simply by staying active.
He also trained Jake Gyllenhaal for Prince of Persia and other celebrities who need to get in an excellent shape. He simply knows what a great weight loss program features and he's also a tough dog. I must say though that I didn't really like the movie that much, but the Chris Evans workout routine for Captain America did the job and helped him to get in this 'superhero shape'.T

A special fitness training program and a concerted diet is the key!

Now, what did they do? Good question! Well, first of all the physical training plan existed out of fitness training programs and a split weight training. For the split training method the 'Captain America Training' was designed to only focus on one, two or three (but then only smaller once) muscle groups each day.
Professional bodybuilder use this method as well to build hardcore muscles, preferably with a so called "fiver or 5 day split". This means that you only train one muscle (group) or body part per day (training session) to its extreme.
There is also a 2 day, 3 day or 4 day split. It depends on what you want to achieve or better on what your goal is. Arnold also did a 6 day split back then, where he trained the 3 day split twice a week with only one resting day in-between. To do that you really need to be hardcore and also have nothing else to do, because this workout takes the crap out of you. As a change for once it's a nice 4 to 6 weeks try worth.

The Chris Evans Workout Routine For Captain America

So on Mondays they'd concentrate on back and arms. The Tuesdays they used to only do a really hard abs workout. "On Wednesday we'd do … heavy, heavy legs. On Thursday, cardio with some abs.", again! And on Fridays they performed chest, arms (again) and shoulders.
So Chris had to do these really hard muscle building exercises and physical training on five consecutive days of the week - Monday through Friday! On Mondays before the weight training the 'Chris Evans Workout' included a quite sturdy circuit, a plyometric circuit to be correct.
This was one way to make sure that the Captain America Training Chris underwent would not only build muscle mass but also burn fat on one hand and get him athletic and aesthetic on the other, just like the film team wanted him to look.The Chris Evans Workout Routine For Captain America!


Moving on with the 'Chris Evans Workout Routine For Captain America'

How did the circuit look like? "… pull-ups dropping into squat thrusts with a press-up and then jumping back up into a pull-up. Then kettlebell swings, weighted step-ups down into a squat thrust and then maybe some suspension exercises on a TRX. Then overhead barbell squates for example.Chris Evans Workout Routine For Captain America!
Once you add all those five elements together, you're toning, you're building muscle, but also you're working with very high heart rate so you are working the cardiovascular system as well." That much concerning the Monday Chris Evans workout routine. In general Simon's Captain America Training laid emphasis on very functional training routines "… with lots of movements and variety."
I'd tend to make him wear a weighted jacket of six to eight kilos, simulating what he would have to wear throughout the movie." On Tuesdays he'd do some cardio before and after the workout. So jogging, ellipticals or the climbing machine. Wednesday and Friday he performed the Monday circuit again and Thursday cardio training as on Tuesday.

A threesome to success: Strength training, plyometric circuits and cardio exercises!

The Chris Evans workout and training program makes sense already, doesn't it? I kinda like it actually. Makes me wanna just jump right into this nice workout routine. And what did they do on the weekend? Let's see … On Saturday they took some rest and spare time and on Sunday they did whatever needed to be improved.
Simon called it "catch-up day". Was it a certain muscle group that needed some light touch-up and shape or just practicing the posture or posing. Sundays where always used to do a weekly check up and intermediate report concerning the filming schedule.


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