Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Why weight loss clinics recommend berries

, by Unknown

Berries are delicious and offer wide-ranging benefits—almost too many to count. They’re delicious, anti-inflammatory, and the best weight loss clinics recommend them as ideal snacks. Packed with antioxidants, berries are one of the most powerful foods when it comes to fighting diseases and illnesses.

In fact, research shows that berries have the highest level of antioxidants, which are cancer-fighting compounds, of any fruit. These nutritional powerhouses are great for those following easy weight loss programs, as their volume is very filling and their benefits vast. Scientific evidence shows that blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries and other berries are good for the brain and may even help prevent age-related memory loss. In addition, they’re great for our skin and help fight anti-aging!

Regardless of whether they’re fresh, frozen or freeze-dried, berries are essential to maintaining your nutritional requirements while cutting caloric intake as part of any easy weight loss programs. Keep in mind that the darker the berry, the higher its phytochemical content will be, resulting in even greater health benefits. 

Both weight loss clinics and personal trainers tout berries because they pack a powerful punch against heart disease. A diet rich in berries also improves blood pressure and HDL cholesterol levels due to their high content of flavonoids, such as anthocyanins, one of the most beneficial antioxidants, which give both blueberries and strawberries their bright color. These compounds help regulate blood flow and lower the risk of high blood pressure. Other beneficial compounds that berries contain are polyphenols and bioactive substances, such as vitamin C.

Personal trainers and doctors at medical weight loss centers recommend berries because they are low calorie, yet high in water content and fiber. When you have a craving for sweets, berries can satisfy that urge without derailing diets and weight loss programs. With their significant cardiovascular benefits, you simply can’t go wrong. Try them alone or add them to Greek yogurt, salads, cereal and steel-cut oatmeal. Eat as great a variety as possible—with so many options it’s easy. Here are some great types to try: blueberries, Acai berries, aronia berries, bilberry, blackberries, black Currant, boysenberries, cranberries, goji berries, gooseberry, mulberries, pyracantha berries, raspberries, strawberries and yumberries


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