Saturday, 18 August 2012

Top 10 Diet Programs Of Hollywood Stars

, by Unknown

Let’s face it: Hollywood is a land overflowing with some of the most beautiful people with the most ridiculously slim bodies!
To us mere mortals, we can only look from afar and admire the toned perfectly sculpted bodies and gorgeous faces of the celebs that walk the red carpet. But don’t be fooled though, here’s something you may not know – most of these hot celebs we see actually still have to work hard to maintain their toned physique just like the rest of us. In fact, it’s very common for us to see a star share about the latest weight loss diet program that helped them gain their physique.
So without further ado, let’s take a sneak peek at some of the most popular Hollywood diets:

10. The Lunch Box Diet

The Lunch Box Diet was originally created by UK personal trainer Simon Lovell. It’s simple: First you get yourself a large plastic lunchbox, then you fill it with a healthy mix of vegetables, proteins, and fats and then you slowly nibble on the lunch box contents all throughout the day. The concept of this diet is to snack on food every hour or so to regulate your blood sugar to enable you to lose weight. Cameron Diaz is actually a known celebrity who’s a big fan of this diet.

9. Three Hour Diet

The premise of the diet is that you must eat every three hours and at least five times per day. There is a catch though: the meals and snacks you eat must be in accordance to the guidelines set by its creator Jorge Cruise. According to Jorge, by eating like this regularly, you keep your body from going into starvation mode. Apparently frequent eating  teaches the body to reset its metabolic reactions, which then speeds up the metabolism. Jessica Biel and Heidi Klum are some of the big named stars that follow this diet.

8. The 5 Factor Diet

The 5 Factor Diet was initially created by Harley Pasternak, it was originally intended for Hollywood stars but now his weight loss plan is also available to the general public. Basically, he came up with a workout plan and training schedule to fit within the actors’ and actresses’ short breaks on set because he’s aware of their busy schedules. Jessica Simpson, Katherine Heigl and Kanye West are some of the big stars that follow Harley Pasternak’s diet regime.

7. Eat Right 4 Your Type Diet

Eat Right 4 Your Type Diet or the Blood Type Diet is a diet that understands you as a biochemical individual. Following decades of on-going research and clinical work, Dr. Peter D’Adamo created the Eat Right 4 Your Type Diet which is basically a program that involves following the right diet for your blood type.  Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Lopez and Elizabeth Hurley are some of the stars that follow this diet program.

6. Vegetarianism

Vegetarianism as its name suggests is a diet that is based on plant-based foods including fruits, vegetables, cereal grains, nuts, and seeds, with or without dairy products and eggs. Vegetarians do not eat meat or game, poultry, fish, crustacea and shellfish, and products of animal slaughter. Some  vegetarian stars include Prince, Tobey Maguire, Carrie Underwood, Christina Applegate, Eddie Vedder and Paul McCartney.

5. Master Cleanse Diet

The Master Cleanse, also known as the Lemon Cleanse and the Maple Syrup Diet, is a dieting program created by Stanley Burroughs. This diet is basically a detoxification week-long liquid diet program that assists in the elimination of damaging toxins from within the body.  Beyonce and Denzel Washington are some of the stars that follow this diet program.

4. Weight Watchers Diet

The Weight Watchers Diet is a diet program that helps you lose weight via a “point system.” It provides you with tools such as a Points Calculator and a diet diary along with a daily exercise routine to make it easy for you to follow the Weight Watchers Points system. To lose weight, you must stay within your points range – points can also be added or subtracted depending on whether or not you exercise or not. Basically you can eat just about anything you like as long as you stay within your point range. Jenny McCarthy and the former Duchess Sarah Ferguson are two known celebrities that follow this diet.

3. Jenny Craig

Jenny Craig provides individuals with private counselling sessions with program consultants and pre-packaged food from their local centre. Initially, clients are given a planned menu to follow but then clients can later customize their own menus using the same range of foods. Queen Latifah, Valerie Bertinelli, Kirstie Alley and Joy Behar are just some of the stars who have lost a substantial amount of weight following Jenny Craig’s program.

2. Atkins Diet

The Atkins diet, officially called the Atkins Nutritional Approach, is a low-carbohydrate diet created by Dr Robert Atkins. It’s a highly successful celebrity diet which has even made way for the “low-carb craze” which exploded during the early millennium.  Kate Hudson, Renee Zellwegger, Kate Hudson, Rihanna and Calista Flockhart are some of the stars that follow this diet program.

1. Veganism


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