Kate Moss Day: Covering Vogue by Mert & Marcus
The latest issue of UK Vogue has Kate Moss on the cover. The most interesting thing about that is that the photographers Mert & Marcus, used the same props (THAT rope) as they did when shooting Victoria and David Beckham for Armani. Fascinating.
Much more intriguing is the shoot they did inside the book. High gloss disco, with a whiff of retro style is how I would go ahead and describe it.
Garments are by Dolce & Gabbana, Gucci, and Versace - anyone else recognise the yellow leotard as the top half of January Jones' Met Gala dress? Fun!
This is the 39th cover of Vogue that Kate has done in her career. Amazing. And they sell every time. Someone should devise a university course studying the contradiction that is Kate - fashion forward and yet a permanent fixture, disgraced and yet idolised, permanently grubby and yet effortlessly beautiful, mother and yet irresponsible tearaway. I might take that course.
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