Healthy VS Unhealthy – Make Your Choice
Only you can decide whether you are going to lead an active and healthy lifestyle or lounge around and filling your body with unhealthy garbage.
Make your choice!
Here are some of the things that health conscious people do:
- Don’t smoke
- Limit alcohol consumption
- Eat at roughly the same times each day
- Watch portion sizes
- Include lots of fruit and vegetables in their diet
- Have healthy fats
- Reduce salt intake
- Eat Healthier Snacks
- Limit soft drinks
- Don’t eat aspartame
- Eat organic when possible
- Make time for exercise
- Walk every day
Studies have shown that exercise releases endorphins in the brain, which in turn cause us to have what is commonly know as a "natural high" or a "runners high".
Unhealthy People
- Smoke
- Eat Unhealthy Food
- Don’t Exercise
- Abuse alcohol
- Don’t Keep a Proper Hygiene
- Use Illicit Drugs
- Don’t Sleep Enough
"I'll start my diet tomorrow, my favourite show is on and it's raining outside."
"But popcorn is made from corn, I'm having a healthy snack of vegetables"
This person probably thinks that one day they will get around to losing the weight. Just not today...I wonder how many times they would have decided to start their diet tomorrow? Start NOW
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